Role of the committee
The role of the committee is to make decisions relating to the day to day activities of the body corporate. This may take the form of enforcing by-laws, considering requests for approvals, preparing budgets, monitoring maintenance issues, giving approval for payment of invoices received by the body corporate manager, etc. In making those decisions, the requirements of the governing legislation have to be satisfied, which includes a code of conduct for committee members.
The code of conduct sets out basic principals and standards expected of each committee member, including acting within the best interests of the body corporate, compliance with the BCCM Act, Regulations and by-laws of the scheme, and acting honestly and fairly.
Committee's role | Your rights, crime and the law | Queensland Government
As body corporate managers we work with the committee to ensure the smooth operation of the scheme, and offer advice and guidance to the committee as may be required.
The Justice Department has online training for Lot owners, which includes a section on committees.
Committee's role | Your rights, crime and the law | Queensland Government